Well, I don't care, I will not be denied a third time! The race is on, even if it's a bog slog. If the stunts are too soft, there will be bypasses, as there always are. If the trails are really soft, well, suck it up. If you are really tired after a lap or two, stop, grab a beer, and throw slushballs.
Just bring a rain jacket.
Now, to ensure a good turnout regardless of the weather for this, and all remaining races, I present bait.
I want to give a shout out to Live to Play sports, Tall Tree Cycles and Outdoor Gear Canada for their generous contributions, and I am still waiting for a stash of more lights and Lizard skin grips to come in too! Coolness!
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Part of the bounty |
This dosen't include the swag that Kichesippi is going to supply, apart from the discounted booze they are offering up, bless them.
There will be two special prizes on top of the ones already mentioned. Many, many thanks to NRG Enterprises for these two great prizes:
The first prize will be given on Feb 10th, after the daytime course. It is going to be a draw prize, so anyone who shows up and races will get a ticket to win this. As well, you can buy another five tickets for five bucks if you really really want to win. All proceeds go towards beer, food and firewood.
This is the prize:
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Super-fat super-prize! |
The other prize is going for the best overall in the series. Points will be handed out for the first five finishers in men and first three in women. The man or woman with the most point will win a Larry and a Knard tire, perfect for summer riding!
This prize will handed out at the finale in March.
So, since we lost a race, there is a change in pricing. Races will be seven bucks per race still, but all four of them will only cost you twenty bucks. I hope that seems fair to everyone.
If not, screw you all, I'm going to sell the tires.
As always, the race location will be announced Wednesday at noon.
Until then,
Did I win something?
ReplyDeleteYou did!